Happy Wednesday, Activists! We hope you're having a great week and that you're safe and sound after these big storms.
First off -- let's get your campaign mojo going. Just watch this awesome video/musical "All You Fascists Bound To Lose" (you'll have to skip the ad at the beginning). This link should work!
It makes you want to get up and start moving to the music -- and get ready to move voters to the polls!!!
You betcha! We have just the thing for you to start the year off right.
You may know that there is a special election in Bucks County on February 13 to fill a vacant state House seat in the 140th district of Falls, Morrisville, Tullytown, and parts of Middletown. This vacancy has created an even split in the PA House, so it's imperative we win this race to protect our one-seat majority.
Canvasses are scheduled for every weekend on Saturday and Sunday. There will also be several opportunities to make calls in support of our candidate, Jim Prokopiak. If you can't canvass or phone bank, you can always donate to the campaign. A little goes a long way in these races!
Below are some of the launches and phone banks coming up. We will need all hands on deck to protect this critical seat, so if you are able, please sign up to help out!
Canvass Launches
32 Butterfly Ln, Levittown, PA 19054
Phone Bank
Thank you for your work!
And One More Thing: