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Meeting with Senator Bob Casey


Happy Wednesday, Activists! 


We hope you've been having a good week. We've had a lot of information in these newsletters lately and you can see all of our past newsletters on our website at this link. 


And here is another chance to fill out our kickoff survey and tell us how you want to get involved to save democracy this year!  Fill out the survey at this link and we'll contact you.


And finally, we had a super informative meeting last week with election expert Dr. David Nickerson.  You can check out the video at this link.  And please "Like" and "Subscribe" to our YouTube channel.  Thanks!




Our PA/DE Statewide Indivisible team has scheduled a meeting with Senator Bob Casey!   It will be on March 19th at 7:30 pm, so mark your calendars!  This will be a very exciting and information-filled meeting.  Sign up below!

When:  Tuesday, March 19 at 7:30 pm.

Where:  Zoom


And if you'd like, you can submit questions you'd like us to ask Sen. Casey at this link.  




Our postcard project is going at light speed!  In just two weeks you have ordered close to 28,000 postcards!  We are working on the first set of addresses in just four Philadelphia zip codes.  We have learned a lot for the first part of this unusual project and after this we'll have a few modifications.  BUT FOR NOW, we still have a few thousand addresses so feel free to order more!  You can read our original, fuller explanation of the project at this link.


Keep in mind the script is a little longer than normal so gauge how many you can complete by April 9th.   




1.  We are sending out addresses in SETS of 48.  I know we usually do 50 addresses but due to formatting issues we are switching to 48 for this project.  So tell us how many sets you want to write.

2.  We ask that you donate $7.00 at this link for each set of addresses. We will deliver the postcards to you and send you the addresses and script. 

3.  If we have to mail the cards to you please add an extra $7.00 for that postage.  But if that cost is too much for you please don't worry about it. We want you to write the cards!

4.  And if you are able, think about throwing in a little extra for the folks who can't.  Thank you!!

5.  Click here to order your postcards (  And tell us how many SETS of 48 cards that you want to write . And please give us your mailing/delivery address

6.  We would like for you to mail your completed cards by Tuesday April 9th.  And you can mail them as soon as you write them.




You can sign up and help save democracy!   Join our 35 Doors Project and canvass to some doors right in your neighborhood. We give you everything you need for success!  You can reply to this newsletter to learn more.


You can find more information about how this works in our earlier newsletter at this link.  




Following up on the Anand Giridharadas The Persuaders event, Indivisible's new Powering Progress campaign is bringing you the educational tools you need to become the most effective communicator you can be.


At this event, you’ll hear from noted activist, intellectual, and professor Loretta Ross about how we must assess and adjust our communication approaches based on the person we’re talking to and how closely they already align with our goals.


When (NEW DATE):  Monday, March 20 at 8:00 pm ET

Where:  Zoom


And One More Thing:

Share our social media pages to make sure you and everyone you know is updated on our projects for this year’s critical elections.  Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

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