Happy Friday, Activists! Yesterday was a solemn day of remembrance and commemoration. We saw a post last night by Congressman Andy Kim (D.N.J.) that summed up a lot about the day and for him the path forward, that we thought we’d share.
And be sure to read to the end of this newsletter for a take to make you smile. (SO worth it.) You can read Congressman Kim’s full thoughtful message here. One very salient point: “This realization of being a caretaker fundamentally changed the way I see my job. Changed how I see the responsibility of being a citizen. Our democracy was handed to us, and on our watch we must do our best to preserve it and then pass it off to those that follow.”
We are all caretakers. So what will we do about that? His conclusion – to be in service to our country and our democracy. Fortunately, we activists know how to do that! We’re in service when we canvass, call voters, register voters, write postcards, and more. So today we have messaging ideas and postcards you can write. Once the Omicron spike is passed we’ll have a lot more to do.
Your Messaging For the Week Your voice is powerful – because you’re a trusted source. As a recent study by The Media Insight Project concludes, you have more power to influence your networks than a media outlet because you are a trusted source. We started our Messaging Project to help you do that. Use these short, strategic points when talking to friends, family and neighbors and in your social media networks. For Facebook & personal conversations: Whatever our color, background, or zip code, in America we value our freedom. The freedom to have a say in decisions impacting our lives like the pandemic, jobs, affordable health care. But the same faction endangering us with lies about COVID and our elections is trying to sabotage future elections by passing state anti-voter bills. We need to demand that our Senators pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act to strengthen voting rights and the Freedom to Vote Act to create national standards for our elections and ensure that trusted local election officials count every vote. https://bit.ly/3zAwpDR For Twitter: We all value our freedom; to have a say in decisions impacting our lives. Now, the faction endangering us with lies about COVID and elections is trying to sabotage elections with state anti-voter laws. Call and demand our Senators pass voting rights bills https://bit.ly/3zAwpDR
Join a powerful messaging project with Indivisible. With over 200 million measurable impressions on Twitter alone, this is a powerful volunteer tool. You can devote only a few minutes a week and effectively spread the truth. Register for Indivisible’s Truth Brigade 2.0 in 2022 to kick off the year with strategic disinfo-disruption actions: January 12, 6:30 pm ET: Big Truths with Roger McNamee, author of Zucked: Waking up to the Facebook Catastrophe February 9, 6:30 pm ET: Launch of the expanded and improved Truth Brigade 2.0 Register Now for both Big Truths Calls – all are welcome. Select the date/meeting you want.
POSTCARDS! Write to Philly Voters Yes, they’re back! We are writing postcards to persuade infrequent voters to get out and vote this year to secure Democratic victories for the open U.S. Senate and PA Governor seats. We are writing to every single voter in Philadelphia who does not usually vote in midterm elections. Here’s how it works – The handwritten script is only two sentences plus you’ll also write the address. We recommend you order enough cards to write over the next month. Then we’ll have updated cards. The packet you receive will include the postcards and the list of addresses. We’ll email you all the instructions and the script. Please order your postcards in multiples of 50. We ask that you donate $7.00 per set of 50 postcards to cover our costs at this link. But don’t let the donation stop you from signing up. On the other hand, if you can, please consider chipping in a little extra to cover the cost for those who cannot. Here’s how to sign up – Email us at this link to tell us how many postcards you want. Purchase your 40-cent postcard stamps online at this link or at your local post office. Donate $7.00 per set of 50 postcards at this link. (Plus an extra $5.00 if we are shipping to you.) Here’s how to receive your postcards – If you are in the Philadelphia area, we will deliver them to you or you can pick them up. If you are outside the Philadelphia area, we can ship them to you. Please add $5.00 to your donation for shipping costs.
Join our one-hour virtual meeting with Attorney General Josh Shapiro, who is running for PA Governor this year. We’ll have a lot to ask him about why he’s running and his vision for the state. Bring your questions too! When: Monday, January 24, 7:30 pm Where: Zoom Sign up here.
And last but not least -- end your week with a smile