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Rebuilding our democracy,
one action at a time.

Indivisible Philadelphia is a grassroots organization of volunteers determined to advance a progressive agenda by resisting corruption, authoritarianism, and inequality in our governmental institutions. Our aim is to educate, engage, and mobilize members to take political actions that promote values of inclusion, tolerance, and fairness.

A few of our members at today’s #IPPence

Who is Indivisible?

Brought together by a practical guide to resist the Trump agenda, Indivisible is a movement of thousands of group leaders and more than a million members taking regular, iterative, and increasingly complex actions to resist the GOP's repressive tactics, elect local champions, and fight for progressive policies.

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Our Focus:
Electing Democrats Up and Down the Ballot this November

We can’t be complacent. We may have flipped a Senate seat and kept the Senate, but Republicans will do everything they can to get back power. And 2024 is a key election year for Philadelphia: how Pennsylvania goes, and perhaps the country, could come down to us.  We have to start now. We must:





  • Push lawmakers to pass progressive legislation that protects the most vulnerable and improves people’s lives, to show the real value of our vote

  • Reform our government and stop Republican tactics to ensure minority rule through voter suppression, gerrymandering, and catering to corporate interests

  • Build capacity and skills with our volunteers to do essential work, so we can hit the ground running with voter registration, canvassing, and more

  • Forge relationships in our local community, deepen grassroots partnerships, and learn from our neighbors about what matters most


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