Here are some terrific resources and organizations that will make any activist more effective.

Activist Toolkit
Connect with the resources you need to be an effective advocate!

The original! Indivisible national website has tons of resources, including the incomparable Indivisible Guide--required reading for anybody who wants to get involved in the movement.

Register to vote online, download mail-in registration forms, check important registration deadlines, and more at Pennsylvania's Official Voter Registration Website.

A great resource for following legislation in detail. You can search by session, by member, and by bill number to see where a bill is in the process, monitor cosponsors, and more. Has your MoC signed on to that important piece of legislation yet? Here's where you can find out!

A nonpartisan civic leadership organization that advances representative, ethical and effective government in Philadelphia and Pennsylvania through citizen engagement and public policy advocacy. A great source for sample ballots, local electoral maps, and more!

A large and continually updated compendium of resources for anybody committed to anti-racist work. Includes recommended articles, books, films and documentaries, organizations to support, resources for parents and educators, and more.