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Eco-friendly Infrastructure Projects:
How the Biden Administration and Democrats are Delivering for Philadelphia Neighborhoods 

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This is Flat Rock Dam construction in Manyunk.

These projects are improving Philadelphian's lives in their local neighborhoods.  For example, Philadelphia’s streets produce a lot of polluted stormwater runoff.  The “green streets” projects are designed to manage this stormwater and minimize the amount of pollutants that reach our waterways during rain storms.  


These projects reduce flash flooding from the more severe storms and increase the safety and walkability of our streets and beautify our city.  


Here are a few specifics:

  • The bump-outs with trees and plants improve pedestrian and bicycle safety 

  • Stormwater tree trenches and planters create lush streetscapes.

  • Green street practices improve air quality and minimize the urban heat island effect by reducing pavement and adding greenery.

Examples of these projects include:

rain gardens.jpeg

Rain Gardens

Rain gardens are a depressed area that collects rain water and allows it to soak into the ground, filtering out pollutants in runoff and providing food and shelter for wildlife. 



Bioswales use vegetation or mulch to slow and filter stormwater flows. They are rain gardens placed in long, narrow spaces.


Green Streets

Green streets use multiple green infrastructure elements to capture and treat stormwater runoff.

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