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Victoria Miller

Be Bold Bob!

Happy Tuesday, Activists!

We’re excited today because TONIGHT at 5:30 we are meeting with Senator Casey (sign up here). We hope you can join! We have questions prepared, submitted by Indivisibles across the state. We’ll be asking about the Senator’s views and priorities on the democracy reforms we care about – the For The People Act (H.R. 1/S.B. 1), D.C. Statehood, the THRIVE Resolution, ending the filibuster, and more. Join us and learn what the Senator believes is the path forward on all these important issues.

When: TONIGHT, 5:30 pm

Why we need to go Big, Bold, and Fast.

While we’re pushing for democracy reform and the THRIVE Resolution, it’s important to take a pause and look at why we’re doing this and how it will benefit our society and our democracy. Five Thirty Eight just published a well-researched explainer on how and why financial equity enhances our democracy, indeed how it makes real democracy possible. You will see how unequal our country has become and the disastrous results of that inequity. That’s why we need to ensure the passage of the Build Back Better legislation promoted by President Biden and Congressional Democrats to correct this inequality. Financial equity benefits every single one of us, regardless of our station in life, and this article explains the nuts and bolts of it.

From the piece:

"There’s a whole body of research that suggests societal inequality is one of the strongest indicators of whether people trust each other. Trust is foundational for people to participate in the civic and social life that makes societies function, so if that trust doesn’t exist — and there are reasons to believe social trust has declined in recent years — that poses a big problem for the U.S."

As you can see, we must promote this agenda, and push for more, and ensure voters understand how essential this legislation is to ensure a strong democracy.

Join the Truth Brigade’s Campaign for H.R. 1 / S.B. 1

And speaking of using our energy to move the agenda forward, Indivisible’s Truth Brigade is a good way to do it. The strategy here is based on science and is really very simple. Indivisible will send you a template message every couple of weeks that states the facts on an issue. You simply revise it to make it your own and post on your social media channel. It pushes back on disinformation, because people believe sources they know and trust.

Now, the Truth Brigade is expanding and setting sights on the biggest purveyors of misinformation: mass media. Republicans are lying about what the For The People Act will do for democracy reform, and we need your help to fight their messaging on our nation's largest platforms.

Learn all about how we’ll ensure Americans get the truth on the next info call: Wednesday, April 14, at 6:30 p.m. EST (register here!).


Sen. Toomey – Phila offices: 215-241-1090; D.C. 202-224-4254; email link

Sen. Casey – Phila office 215-405-9660; D.C. 202-224-6324 email link.

For outside PA – Find your Senators’ phone numbers and emails at this link.

Call Senator Casey and tell him we need to pass the THRIVE Resolution and ensure that equity is centered in all the legislation on the docket. And tell him we need to end the filibuster and pass the Democracy reform legislation like D.C. statehood (S.B. 51), and the For The People Act (S.B. 1).

Call Senator Toomey and tell him he needs to get on board with financial equity and vote yes on the THRIVE Resolution. Cite one of the articles in the Five Thirty Eight piece above and tell him his policies are all wrong for democracy.


On May 18 we’ll be voting on numerous important issues and on important races. Here is some information so you can do your homework as you get ready to vote.

* District Attorney – We had a great meeting last month with the Democratic candidates for District Attorney. Watch the video at this link and decide for yourself who you want to vote for.

* City Controller– On Thursday, May 6, at 3:30 pm we are having a meeting with City Controller Rebecca Rhynhart! Find out what the Controller’s office is all about and bring your questions! She is running unopposed in the primary. Sign up here.

* Judges –

· PA Supreme Court. Read a summary of who they are and their positions here.

· Committee of Seventy’s round-up of the judicial races and the statewide ballot questions is at this link. Their round-up of Philadelphia-specific races is at this link.

· The Philadelphia Bar Association’s recommendations for all the courts and other information are at this link.

Primary Election Deadlines

· Monday, May 3: Last day to register to vote

· Tuesday, May 11, at 5 pm: Last day to request an absentee or mail-in ballot

· Tuesday, May 18: Primary Election Day

· Tuesday, May 18, at 8 pm: Completed mail-in ballots must be received by your county election office. Postmarked is not enough.

Mail-In Voting

Don’t forget, even if you signed up to vote by mail last year you’ll need to renew your application, even if you signed up to be on the “permanent” list.

You can sign up on the state website here. Or you can fill out the paper application sent from your local election board.


Join us this Saturday any time between 1 and 3 pm for some phone banking! We will be reminding voters in PA to vote in the May 18 Primary and giving them information on the three PA Constitution amendments that will be on the ballot. Sign up here to register.


Good news! Indivisible has announced a matching grant for our fundraising now through May 30. The match is for a total of $500 in donations. So your donations will be matched dollar for dollar! Your donations help fund our programs, like buying signs, handouts, supplies for voter registration and postcard projects, meeting platform fees (e.g. Zoom), and other communications tools. You can donate here.


If you signed up for our Virginia postcard project, join us to write them “together” this Thursday. Just a note: this is a smaller project, so we opened it up to writers in Philadelphia and a few surrounding communities. We’ll have more to write soon!

Cards & Cocktails – This Thursday, April 8

6 to 8 pm. Sign up here.

And as always,

Stay safe. Wear a mask. Keep a distance. Get the vaccine when you can.

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