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Excited?! Here's What We Do Next


 “The time for hand-wringing is over. Now it’s time to organize, mobilize and win.”

Hillary Clinton, New York Times, July 23, 2024


Happy Friday, Activists! 


The past week to 10 days has been a lot!  Many of us of course mourned the end of the Biden campaign, and that's real.  But I would bet that all of us are super excited about the energy around the Harris campaign!  And we certainly did not mourn the loss of all the exhausting uncertainty about what was going to happen.  So now we have a fresh race to win!  And win it we will.


Hillary also wrote in her Times piece – “History has its eye on us.  President Biden’s decision to end his campaign was as pure an act of patriotism as I have seen in my lifetime.  It should also be a call to action to the rest of us to continue his fight for the soul of our nation.  The next 15 weeks will be like nothing this country has ever experienced politically, but have no doubt:  This is a race Democrats can and must win.”


Despite Hillary’s exhortation, we know we have been doing this work for years now – remember 2018, 2020, and 2022?  But this year.  This year is everything.  


We have 102 days until Election Day.  So if you’ve been waiting for the right time to jump in with all you’ve got, now is it!!  We have so many opportunities for you to get in the action and they are listed below.  This is a pretty long newsletter, but it is action packed for your opportunities to get involved if you aren't already.  We'll see you out there!


The great news about all this?  We know we can get it done!  So join in the fun and sign up below!


Our Endorsement Survey

But first, the results are in for our V.P. Harris Endorsement Survey.  Over 235 of you answered and 97% of you voted to endorse her!  And your comments showed. so much enthusiasm for her campaign and your energy to work hard to get her elected. As usual, you all are so inspiring!

We will put out a press release announcing our group’s endorsement.  Thank you all for answering the survey!




Good news!  Our Monthly PA Statewide Call will be next Tuesday, July 30th at 7:00 PM, and we will be joined by Indivisible Co-Founder and Co-Executive Director, Leah Greenberg! Leah will be joining us to talk about what comes next now that we have Vice President Harris at the top of our ticket and detail how we can show unity in the wake of all this change.  Sign up below!




TOMORROW and Sunday!  We'll be canvassing with the Harris campaign near Clark Park this weekend. You'll have everything you need to canvass. And bring a friend!  Details below.

And we'll be back in Oxford Circle on Saturday, August 3rd with breakfast! Sign up for that below. 


Canvass with the Harris campaign

When:  Tomorrow, July 27 and/or Sunday, July 28, take your pick.  Various times are available.

Where:  507 South 46th Street, Philadelphia (46th and Baltimore Near Clark Park)


Next weekend, Oxford Circle -  We'll have breakfast on us first!  Again, we need to ask you to sign up for the breakfast separately from the canvass itself. Thanks! 

When:  Saturday, August 3, 11:00 AM

Where: Country Club Diner, 1717 Cottman Ave. 19111




Many of you have asked about the current set of infrastructure postcards, some that you already have and are writing, and whether you can sign up for additional cards, given the new Harris campaign.  And in fact, because of that new reality, we would like everyone to insert the name “Harris” between the words "Biden” and “administration" at the top of the postcard.  I've attached an image of the back of the postcard so you can see how it will look.


1.  Click here to order your postcards.  You'll then fill out the form and hit "submit". And that's it! 


After you sign up you will receive an email with your instructions and addresses.  It will come from our No Excuses PHL email account shortly after you order  So PLEASE be on the lookout for that email. 


2.  We ask that you donate $7.00 at this link for each set of 50 addresses.  This is our regular Act Blue account for our donations.  We will know it's for your postcards!  


3.  If we have to mail the cards to you please add an extra $7.00 for that postage.  But if the cost is too much for you please don't worry about it.  We want you to write the cards!  And if you are able, please think about throwing in a little extra for the folks who can't.  Thank you!!  


4.  You can buy your postcard stamps at this link or at your local post office.


An extra note:  Our postcard campaigns will continue right up to the November election.  We have one more zip code of infrastructure postcards going to voters who live in that zip code.  After that we will begin to focus on the dangers of Project 2025 that Republicans will enforce if they take control, such as eliminating Women's reproductive rights, climate change progress, etc.  We are preparing that series of postcards now but they won't be ready for a few weeks.

Here's the back of the postcard with the new insert.




August 14, 6pm ET

We’ll be calling voters in NY-19 in support of Josh Riley to defeat Rep. Marc Molinaro. Indivisible has identified 18 of the most competitive House seats with active and engaged local Indivisible groups who are working to defeat MAGA.  New York has seven of them.

This event will include remarks by a guest speaker and inspirational group leaders who are working in the district. A short HubDialer training will be included at the event. The remainder of the event will be dedicated to calling voters!  




Join us on Wednesday, August 7th at 11:00 AM.  We will supply the cards too!  We ask that you provide your own stamps.


We are writing to voters to tell them about the amazing work of the Biden/Harris administration as we finish up the infrastructure postcards.


When:  Wednesday August 7th, at 11:00 AM

Where:  Good Karma Cafe, 928 Pine Street



Rodin Museum

When:  Friday, August 2nd, 2 shifts --> 5:00 to 7:00; 7:00 to 8:30

Where:  2151 Benjamin Franklin Parkway, Philadelphia


Philly AIDS Thrift

When:  Saturday, August 3rd, 2 shifts --> Noon - 2:00, 2:00 - 4:00

Where:  710 S 5th St, Philadelphia, PA 19147



You can sign up and help save democracy!   Join our 35 Doors Project and canvass to some doors right in your neighborhood. We give you everything you need for success!  Reply to this newsletter to learn more. 


It's the very most effective and important work you can do to get voters to the polls.  And we have fun!  Reply to this newsletter or email us at and let's talk!


You can find more information about how this works in our earlier newsletter at this link.  



You can sign up now for polling place and other work to protect the vote this year.  The PA Voter Protection Volunteer Team has lots of opportunities, both in person & remote. They will be doing a lot of trainings over the next month or two.


And One More Thing:

Share our social media pages to make sure you and everyone you know is updated on our projects for this year’s critical elections.  Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

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