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Hey There Postcard Heroes!


“We do not have government by the majority. We have government by the majority who participate.” ~ Thomas Jefferson Happy Friday, Activists! We hope your week has been a good one. We wanted to update you on our Voter Registration Postcard Project. In case you missed our earlier announcement you can find the details for why we are doing this project at this link. Since we started this project on July 5th, you have ordered over 30,000 postcards! We are AMAZED! You have stepped up and shown you are in this in a big way. BUT, we have another 20,000 addresses of voters who need to register to vote at their new addresses. So can you pitch in so we can finish the job? Remember that our statewide judicial races are on the ballot this November, and Philadelphia voters need to get out and vote to ensure we have a PA Supreme Court that upholds our democracy in 2024, as they did in 2020.

THIS IS HOW IT WORKS As a reminder, we are writing to voters who have recently moved to Philadelphia. Some moved from out of state, some moved within PA, and some moved within Philadelphia. These voters (Non-Republicans) are registered to vote at their previous address but not at their new Philadelphia address -- so we know they have been voters. Your postcards will remind them to register now, with information on registering and signing up to vote by mail. We are writing the postcards now but holding them until September 26, when you will mail them in time to register for the November election. You may recall that in 2020 we wrote voter registration postcards to addresses where there was no registered voter. Afterward, we did the analysis and found that in 5.7% of the households we wrote to, the resident registered to vote. AND, of those newly registered voters, a truly whopping 88% voted! So relieve your anxiety by writing the cards, knowing you are helping to get out the vote! Here's how to sign up: 1. Email us here to tell us you want to write postcards. Please order them in sets of 50 and give us your address. 2. Donate here to our Act Blue account for the cards. We ask that you donate $7.00 for each set of 50 postcards, if you can (plus another $7.00 if we need to ship them to you). And if it's possible, throw in a little extra to cover the cost for those who can't. You provide the postage stamps. 3. Use this link to buy your postcard stamps or go to your local post office. THANK YOU!


And One More Thing: Share our social media pages to make sure you and everyone you know is updated on our projects for this year’s critical elections. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

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