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Happy Tuesday, Activists! We hope you're having a good week. Today we're announcing that this is the Last Call for ordering postcards. Our fantastic Postcard Team has been working overtime to get 40,000 postcards delivered!! And we have more of them ready for you! So order now. Also, check out our new opportunities for voter registration. We have a new very interesting one in Mt. Airy too! We have been asked by City Councilman Isaiah Thomas's team to register voters at his basketball camp at Finley Recreation Center. We're very excited about this new partnership and if you live in the area this is perfect for you!!

LAST CALL FOR POSTCARDS! Talking to Voters -- It's a Philly Thing! We're writing to voters who have recently moved to Philadelphia. Some moved from out of state, some moved within PA, and some moved within Philadelphia. These voters (Non-Republicans) are registered to vote at their previous address but not at their new Philadelphia address, and we want to encourage them to do it, with information on registering and signing up to vote by mail. We are asking you to mail the completed postcards on September 26th, in time for the voters to register before the November 7th election. Here is why these postcards are so important -- We have state-wide elections in November for our Supreme Court, Commonwealth Court and Superior Court. And Philadelphia voters must show up and vote to get the Democrats elected! Why, you may ask? Because our rights will be decided by these courts. You can read more detail in this article, which advises that "while the partisan balance hasn’t always mattered in the past, . . . with issues on the horizon like reproductive rights and major environmental cases, the partisan make-up of the court could be a major factor in the near future." For our Supreme Court, the two candidates are Daniel McCaffery, the Democrat and Carolyn Carluccio, the Republican. Carluccio is an avowed anti-abortion advocate who recently scrubbed her anti-abortion views from her website. So if you care about abortion rights, climate change, education, we need to make sure every possible voter goes to the polls or votes by mail! So let's make sure they're registered! Here’s how to sign up – 1. Email us here to tell us you want to write postcards. Tell us how many you want to write and give us your address. 2. Donate here to our Act Blue account and donate $7.00 per set of 50 cards (plus an extra $7.00 if we need to ship to you.). Thank you! 3. Use this link to buy your postcard stamps or go to your local post office. We ask that you donate $7.00 per set of 50 postcards to cover our costs. But don’t let the donation stop you from ordering the postcard packets. On the other hand, if you can, please consider chipping in a little extra to cover the cost for those who cannot. THANK YOU!

VOTER REGISTRATION OPPORTUNITIES + A NEW ONE Clark Park When: Saturday, August 26, 10:00 - Noon Where: Baltimore Ave. & South 43rd Street (Detailed meetup location will be provided) Sign up here NEW! Finley Recreation Center When: Friday, September 1st, 2:30 pm Where: 7701 Mansfield Ave, Philadelphia (meetup location to be provided) This will be at the end of City Councilman Isaiah Thomas's basketball camp for teenagers and we'll be registering them and their families if needed. Sign up here. Philadelphia Museum of Art When: Friday, September 8th, 5:00 - 7:30 pm Where: Museum of Art, 2600 Ben Franklin Parkway (detailed meeting place to be provided) Sign up here Rittenhouse Square When: Saturday ,September 9th. Two shifts - 10:00-Noon; Noon - 2:00 Where: Meet at Ethical Society, 1906 South Rittenhouse Square Sign up here MORE COMING SOON!

HELP FOR HAWAII If you would like reliable advice on where you can donate to help our fellow citizens in Hawaii, former President Obama has some suggestions! Check out the recommendations from former President Obama and the Obama Foundation.

35 DOORS PROJECT! Talk to voters in your neighborhood to get out the vote. This is some of the most important work you can do - and it's fun! Check out our 35 Doors Project on our website page! Email us here for more info. We'll give you the training and all the materials you'll need. Vicki will tell you all about it!

And One More Thing: Share our social media pages to make sure you and everyone you know is updated on our projects for this year’s critical elections. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

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