Happy Wednesday Activists! We hope you're having a good week so far. With just two weeks to go to the primary election, today we have the wrap-up information on candidates and issues that will appear on your ballot. And as we've said, we ALL can help make sure we have a robust election process by telling our neighbors and friends how important the May 16th election is! You can give them the important dates and information below and in our past newsletters here, here, here and here. And don't forget to check out our website page that has more information on the races.
ELECTION DEADLINES! May 9 by 5:00 pm - Last day to apply for a mail-in ballot. BUT DON'T WAIT! Do it now so you have time to make sure your ballot is returned in time to be counted. May 16 - Election Day How will you vote? Voting at the polls? Polls are open 7:00 am to 8:00 pm. If you're not sure where to vote, find your polling place here. Voting by mail? If you haven't already, sign up to vote by mail here - ASAP! Mail-in ballots are being mailed out now. You can check on the status of your mail-in ballot at the ballot tracker here. Find the nearest mail-in ballot drop boxes here.
CITY COUNCIL What can we say. A whopping 27 Democratic candidates will appear on the ballot running for City Council At-Large positions (we vote for only 5). We won't list them here but you can go to this Billy Penn listing and find out a lot more about each of them.
SHERIFF The races for other City offices are listed in last week's newsletter at this link. The Sheriff's office provides security in Philadelphia courtrooms and manages court-ordered property foreclosures and tax sales (Sheriff Sales). -- Rochelle Bilal (the incumbent) -- Michael Untermeyer -- Jacque Whaumbush Learn more about them in this Committee of Seventy post.
PHILADELPHIA MAYOR'S RACE Check out our recent newsletter devoted to this. We also have the major candidates' detailed answers to our questionnaire written in the candidates' own words.
BALLOT QUESTIONS See this recent newsletter for the details.
THE STATEWIDE JUDICIAL RACES Check out the candidates in our recent newsletter PLUS see below for the state and local bar associations' recommendations.
THE BEST COMPREHENSIVE GUIDES ARE HERE City Races -- We think the very best comprehensive guide to the city races is the Inquirer Voters Guide. It is NOT behind the paywall, so check it out. You can see as much or as little information on each candidate as you want. Judicial Races -- Check out the Philadelphia Bar Association's recommendations for the candidates for our local bench Check out the PA Bar Association's assessments for the statewide bench.
IMPORTANT SPECIAL ELECTION! Help Elect a State Rep to Keep the Democratic Majority You probably know that last year the Democrats won the majority in the State House. BUT, did you know that this one-seat lead is in jeopardy ? There is now a vacancy in a Delaware County seat and the special election to fill it is May 16th. The Democrat running is Heather Boyd and you can help get her elected and save the Democrats' majority! Sign up to phone bank or canvass here, or make a donation. We need to keep that majority to help defend against terrible Republican bills and ballot questions!
35 Doors Project Talk to voters in your neighborhood to get out the vote. This is some of the most important work you can do - and it's fun! Check out our 35 Doors Project! Email us here for more info.