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Postcard Update!

Victoria Miller

Happy Friday, Activists! We hope you've had a good week. We have good news for you! Since we launched our GOTV postcards on July 25, Ann did the math again and in just three weeks nearly 200 of you have responded and committed to write over 30,000 of these postcards! Woo-hoo! You'll recall that we are writing to specially selected Philadelphia voters who are not registered Republicans and who voted in 2020 but not in 2018. They don't normally vote in midterm elections, and we want to persuade them to change their habit and vote this year. You've already written to these “high potential” voters once. The GOTV postcards are the “second touch.” Research shows that a "second touch" postcard improves the chances they'll turn out to vote. And we need to do everything we can to get these voters out this November. They may be the votes that push the Democratic candidates over the finish line to victory. PA will suffer for many years if the two MAGA Republicans, Oz and Mastriano, win their elections. We are using a beautiful postcard designed specifically for us tailored to the Philly voter. We’re asking that you write them now, hold them and mail them on a date towards the end of October that we will announce closer to the election.

At stake is the future of our Democracy. If you're worried about this year's elections, then we have the answer. Write postcards and persuade these voters to get out and vote this year! It's not only productive, it's the antidote to your anxiety. Read below to get started!

You might recognize this beautiful card from 2020 when we used it to great success. We’ll be writing them now and holding them until right before the November 8 election. We'll let you know the exact mailing date later on. Please order as many as you think you can write over the next three months. Here’s how to sign up – 1. Email us at this link to tell us how many postcards you want. 2. Donate $7.00 per set of 50 postcards at this link. (Plus an extra $5.00 if we are shipping to you.). But don’t let the donation stop you from signing up. On the other hand, if you can, please consider chipping in a little extra to cover the cost for those who cannot. 3. Purchase your 44-cent postcard stamps online at this link or at your local post office. Here’s how you'll receive your postcards – If you are in the Philadelphia area, we will deliver them to you or you can pick them up. If you are outside the Philadelphia area, we can ship them to you. Please add $5.00 to your donation for shipping costs.

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