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Talk to Philly Voters with Postcards

Victoria Miller

Happy Thursday, Activists! We hope you're having a good week! Today we have a streamlined newsletter about a single topic - postcards! Reach Out and Touch Some Philly Voters! A lot of voters do not think about or realize how often we have elections. They vote in Presidential elections but not much more than that. So we need to tell/remind them about the critically important elections coming up this year to secure Democratic victories for the open U.S. Senate and PA Governor seats.

Specifically, we are writing to Philly voters (non-Republicans) who don’t normally vote in midterm elections, to persuade them to change their habit and vote this year. We call these voters “High Potential” voters – they are already voters; they just need to do it more often! We Use Research to “Speak” To These Voters Research shows that multiple touches to voters increases our chances of success, so that’s our plan. So we will need to write to them more than once if we want to see improvement in the voting rates.

Furthermore, our postcard design and script are based on research into how to persuade these High Potential voters to come to the polls this year. Can You Pitch In? We have targeted about 90,000 Philadelphia voters in this High Potential category, and we want to write to them at least twice this year. Many of you have jumped into our postcard project with gusto. So far this year you have written to about 23,000 voters! That’s fantastic! But we need more of you to get involved if we want to reach our goal. This is an ongoing campaign through the November election. Get Some Anxiety Relief! Think of it this way – you can relieve your anxiety about the state of world affairs by writing our postcards, knowing you are making a difference to help ensure democracy survives the midterm elections. The stakes have never been higher! Here’s How It Works We recommend you order enough cards to write and mail within a month of receiving them. We’ll hand deliver or ship the packet of postcards to you. We’ll email you all the instructions, addresses, and the script. Please order your postcards in multiples of 50. We ask that you donate $7.00 per set of 50 postcards to cover our costs. But don’t let the donation stop you from ordering the postcards. On the other hand, if you can, please consider chipping in a little extra to cover the cost for those who cannot. Here are the Three Separate Action Steps to sign up – 1. Email us at this link and tell us how many postcards you want and give us your delivery address. 2. Donate $7.00 per set of 50 postcards to our ActBlue account at this link. (Plus an extra $5.00 if we are shipping to you.) 3. Purchase your 40-cent postcard stamps online at this link or at your local post office. If you are in the Philadelphia area, we will hand deliver the postcard packets to you or you can pick them up.

If you are outside the Philadelphia area, we will ship the packet to you. Please add $5.00 to your donation for shipping costs.

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