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  • Victoria Miller

Executive Action: The Sequel

Happy Tuesday, Activists, We hope your week is starting off with a bit of joy despite the heartbreaking news out of Ukraine. This is another action-packed newsletter so thank you for reading all of it! Last Thursday we sent you details about our postcard project. And wow did you respond! In just the four days afterward, you asked for several thousand postcards to write to Philadelphia’s “High Potential” voters! If you haven’t had a chance yet, read about why these are so important here and sign up to write them with us! Give Us Your Views – Take The Survey! To those of you who could not make it to our Kickoff Meeting, here’s your last chance to quickly tell us your thoughts about taking action with us this year! Fill out this survey (only a few questions) and tell us how you can help get out the vote in Philadelphia. We look forward to working with you!

OUR WEEKLY MESSAGING -- UKRAINE You know the deal. We push back against disinformation by correcting the record with these simple but effective messages. Check out the detail of why this works in our recent messaging on inflation. Every one of us has the power to spread the word! For Facebook, Instagram, and your family and friends: The bravery & unity of the Ukrainians in the face of Putin’s unjust, unprovoked & deadly aggression highlight that freedom is precious & self-determination is not guaranteed. We stand up to those who want to rewrite our history & dictate our future. Like and share if you choose #FreedomOverFascism For Twitter: The bravery & unity of the Ukrainians in the face of Putin’s unprovoked & deadly aggression highlight that freedom is precious & self-determination is not guaranteed. We stand up to those who want to rewrite our history & dictate our future. RT if you choose #FreedomOverFascism


Executive Action - Canceling Student Debt Edition In an ideal world, we would still be pushing Congress to pass as many of our policy priorities as possible to promote progress. And, on the heels of a renewed call from Biden to pass his legislative agenda, there’s hope we can revitalize the reconciliation bill (formerly known as Build Back Better). But President Biden can use the full powers of the executive branch to guarantee progress in addition to pushing for swift passage of his legislative priorities. For example, he can take executive action to cancel student debt. Federal student loan interest and repayments have been paused for two years now and, in that time, borrowers are saving approximately $5 billion per month on interest. It’s time we give people permanent relief. Call or email Senator Casey and your Representative to publicly demand the White House take executive action to cancel student debt. Then call or email the White House and leave a similar message. -- Rep. Evans – D.C. office 202-225-4001; Phila office 215-276-0340; email link -- Rep. Boyle – D.C. office 202-225-6111; Phila office 215-335-3355; email link -- Sen. Casey – Phila office 215-405-9660; D.C. 202-224-6324; email link -- For outside PA: Find your Senators’ phone numbers and emails at this link. -- Call the White House – The comment line is 202-456-1111 (Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 11am-3pm Eastern time). Or Email the White House at

TOMORROW -- U.S. Senate Democratic Candidate Forum Philadelphia’s 2nd Ward and other co-sponsors are holding a forum of the Democratic U.S. Senate candidates. We are co-sponsoring it as well. It will be held tomorrow, March 16, at 7:00 pm over Zoom. See you there! Register for the event here.

Primary Election Information Check your voting status and sign up to vote by mail using our new link. Let us know what you think of this new tool! Here are the deadlines for the Primary Election – May 2 – Last day to register before the Primary May 10 – Last day to apply for a Mail-in or Absentee Ballot May 17 – Primary Election Day and Last Day for County Election Board to receive your Mail-in or Absentee Ballot

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