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Learn More + Actions For You!


Happy Thursday, Activists! 


We hope you're having a good week so far.  Today we have more links and a signup to learn more about taking action and how to get rid of the anti-democratic filibuster rule in the US Senate.  Plus actions to help save the Democratic majority in the PA House. 




Thank you for attending the fantastic PA Indivisible Statewide meeting with Ezra Levin last week!  It was an energizing conversation to learn more about Indivisible's plans to win in 2024 - with more to come.  And we asked a lot of questions and learned even more. If you couldn't make it, here is the link to the video.  You can also attend this upcoming Indivisible national meeting for more updates from Indivisible. 


And the other inspiring meeting last week was with Ezra interviewing Anand Giridharadas, author of The Persuaders.  It was an enlightening discussion about talking to voters, taking action and finding ways to reduce our stress.  Here is the link to that video.




You betcha we're getting ready for the 2024 election, and for big blue wins!  Hear all about it at our 2024 Kickoff Meeting.  We'll talk about our new projects at Indivisible Philadelphia and all the opportunities for you to learn about the issues and to get involved.


Join us to hear the results from last year's voter outreach.  And hear how we'll reach even more voters this year!  We have some special projects planned and we're excited to tell you about them!


When:  Tuesday, February 13, 6:00 pm

Where:  Zoom



This time with Oregon Senator Jeff Merkley 


If you attended last week's Indivisible book event featuring Anand Giridharadas, you saw how fascinating the discussion was.  Now, you can join Indivisible’s Co-Executive Director Ezra Levin as he digs into Filibustered! by Sen. Merkley and the fight to remove one of the largest obstacles to saving American democracy in Congress.

Special Note The first 50 people to submit questions for the conversation will receive a free copy of Filibustered! 


When:  Monday, February 26 at 7:00 pm ET

Where:  Zoom





Once again, the House Democratic majority hangs in the balance.  


A super important  special election in Bucks County is on February 13.  Right now there is an even split in the PA House due to a resignation.  This election is to fill the vacant seat, in the 140th district  So it's imperative we win this race to protect our one-seat majority.


You can help!  If you're in Bucks County or know a voter who is, check out these important dates for the Special Election and spread the word so voters can make their voices heard!

February 6: Last day to request a mail-in ballot

February 13, Election Day; and all mail ballots must be received by the Bucks County elections office by 8:00 pm


You can also canvass and/or phone bank to support the Democratic candidate, Jim Prokopiak.  See the schedules below. Remember, these are all calls and door-knocks to friendly households.  This is not a persuasion campaign, just an effort to remind folks that this Special Election is happening.


If you can't canvass or phone bank, you can always donate to his campaign.  A little goes a long way in these races! 


Here are your outreach opportunities - take your pick!

2/3   Canvass

2/4   Canvass

2/5   Phone Bank



Thank you for your work!




We are in the final stages of preparing our next postcard project.  It's super interesting and we think will be very effective.  So stay tuned!  We will get it started in the next couple of weeks. 


We can't wait to work with you all again on another postcard project!


And One More Thing:

Share our social media pages to make sure you and everyone you know is updated on our projects for this year’s critical elections.  Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

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