Happy Thursday, Activists! We hope you're having a good week. Today we have another streamlined newsletter about a single topic: our 35 Doors Project. This is another proven, effective way to turn out the vote and relieve your anxiety about current events. And it’s fun – just ask our Neighborhood Leaders! Read on to learn more or just contact us here now. Watch our cool videos about this project here and here. Reach Philly Voters in the Most Effective Way Research tells us that the best way to engage voters and get them to the polls is with one-on-one conversations in person. There is nothing like that human interaction. Plus, repeated conversations with a trusted person are even more impactful. That is what this project does.
Our Neighborhood Leaders visit about 35 addresses in their neighborhood two or three times per year. These Leaders talk to their neighbors about upcoming elections, remind them about the issues on the ballot, and answer their questions. Soon, you will be recognized as the neighborhood elections expert! As we described them in last week’s Postcard newsletter, we focus mostly on “High Potential” voters – those who do vote, but not in every election and in particular not in midterm elections like this year. We are not asking registered Republicans to vote for a Democrat. It’s so much easier than that! We’re just persuading Democrats and Independents to change their habits and vote more often. Take it from Kerry, one of our Neighborhood Leaders. It gives you a good feeling! Contact us here to sign up or just learn more.
We Use the Research! As with our postcard project, our messaging is based on research and testing by experts in the field. For example, we are using proven Deep Canvassing techniques, where we listen to voters and respond to what’s on their mind. Then we ask whether they’ve heard about the amazing benefits that President Biden and the Democrats have delivered and ask whether . any of them will help their family. The final point is to remind them of the importance of voting this year. Don’t Worry – We Give You All The Support You Need! Here’s what we provide you:
Training to familiarize you with Deep Canvassing techniques
A handy Conversation Guide with helpful talking points based on the training
Handouts for the voters, describing many of the benefits Democrats delivered
Door hangers for no-answer doors, with much of the information too
Voter registration forms in case someone in the household is not registered
Vote By Mail applications
Indivisible Philadelphia pins and stickers so the voters know you’re legit
Indivisible Philadelphia clipboard that shows who you are
Updated information about the specific election
Don't believe us? See what Jesse says!
Contact Us to Be a Neighborhood Leader! We need as many of you as possible so we can really move the dial on Philadelphia turnout. Contact us here to sign up or just learn more.