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#SaveSCOTUS #TellToomey

Victoria Miller

Good morning, Resistance!

As promised, here is your schedule of actions to honor Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death and react to the Republican's hypocritical rush to replace her. I'm not going to sugar coat it, Toomey is an immovable object. But that doesn't mean we sit silent. This week he'll hear our outrage. Having us sit by in despair is exactly what they want. Let's rise in protest.

Indivisibles all over Pennsylvania are having a week of action to #TellToomey that we demand he refuse to consider a Supreme Court nominee until after the inauguration in 2021. We know how that will go. BUT we need to make Toomey’s life as miserable as possible, just like Mainers did to Susan Collins, and Coloradans did to Cory Gardner. So we need to harass him as much as possible over the next week. Consider this a starter crusade for next year when we start to help ease him into an early retirement.  

These are tough times. Take 15 minutes a day and even do something fun.

Here’s the schedule for the PA Statewide #TellToomey Week of Action

Today – 

Keep making calls to Toomey’s office. Let’s fill his voicemail in every office. If one office you call is full, try another one.

Here are the office phone numbers:

Philadelphia 215-241-1090

D.C. 202-224-4254

Allentown 610-434-1444

Erie 814-453-3010

Harrisburg 717-782-3951

Johnstown 814-266-5970

Pittsburgh 412-803-3501

Scranton/Wilkes-Barre 570-820-4088

Here’s the sample script:

I demand that Senator Toomey REFUSE to consider any Supreme Court Justice until the new president is inaugurated. As Senator Toomey said about appointing a Supreme Court justice in 2016: “With the presidential election fewer than 8 months away, it is wise to give the American people a more direct voice in the selection and confirmation of the next justice.” It’s 2020, and the shoe still fits. Do the right thing and let the American people use their voice. 

TOMORROW – Friday, 9/25

We will meet outside Senator Toomey’s office and leave a memento or share a memory to honor RGB

Here is all the information:

Friday, September 25, 2020, 12:00 Noon

Sen. Toomey’s office, Custom House, 200 Chestnut St., 19106

Sign up here to receive updates. 

You can bring a flower or memento to leave on the steps of the building.  We will have readings remembering Justice Ginsburg and also to admonish Sen. Toomey for his flip-flop on voting for a SCOTUS nominee in an election year.

We will meet for an hour at the most due to safety concerns.  It’s fine if you come just for part of the event.

For this in-person outdoor event we will maintain social distancing. Please follow these guidelines:

- Wear a mask!

- Stay at least 6 feet apart -- really, keep a safe distance from one another. 

- Please do not join in person if you feel sick or have any concerns about recent exposure to COVID.

- When you sign up please confirm the following screening questions:

- I am not showing any COVID-19 symptoms (e.g. fever, dry cough, sore throat, fatigue).

- I have not had contact with others with a confirmed positive test of COVID-19 in the last 14 days.  

- I have not traveled to restricted countries in the last 14 days. 

- I will wear a mask for the duration of the event.

Saturday 9/26


Text RESIST to 50409. The bot will take you through all the steps.  It’s easy and fun!

When it’s time for the message, type Senate when asked. Then Toomey.  Then type in your message.  Follow the instructions after that.  The bot sends the message to Toomey with all your identification info.

Sunday: 9/27

Email Toomey's office

Use this email link to email Toomey’s office and send your message. You can use all or part of the sample script below.

I am a concerned citizen, residing at: [your location will go here].

I am emailing you today about the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. We cannot let Donald Trump destroy her legacy by replacing her with a justice from his shortlist of conservative extremists. Anyone Trump picks to replace RBG would no doubt undo all of the progressive change she fought for her whole life. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who held open a Supreme Court seat for over a year in 2016 to prevent Barack Obama from filling it, has already declared he will bring Trump’s nomination to the floor for the vote. We cannot let this happen. We have to block everything Republicans try to do to get this nomination confirmed.

I am demanding you REFUSE to confirm a new Supreme Court Justice until the new president is inaugurated.

The Senate should not confirm a Supreme Court Justice before Inauguration Day.

Mitch McConnell even said so himself four years ago:


[your name will go here] [your location will go here]

Monday 9/28

Swarm Toomey’s Facebook feed with the hashtag #TellToomey

Send your message and also make sure to leave comments on Toomey’s Facebook posts.  Remember to include #TellToomey when you do.

Toomey’s Facebook page is at this link.  

Wednesday 9/30

Wednesday Potpourri – Your choice of Phone, Email, or Resistbot

You can use the numbers and links above.  Enjoy!

Friday 10/2

Digital Rally #TellToomey

This will be really fun. You can visit for complete details and ideas.

Here are the steps:

1.  Write “Tell Toomey” on a piece of paper. The darker and more clearly you can write it, the better. 

2.  Take a picture of yourself holding the sign.

3.  Between 8PM and 9PM ET on Friday, 10/2: Tweet your picture of yourself using the hashtag #TellToomey (and tell him what you want in the body of your tweet or Facebook post) and/or post the picture as a comment on your group’s individual Facebook page.

Here’s a sample script for your tweet:  

You must REFUSE to confirm a justice until a new president is inaugurated.

The Senate should not confirm this close to election day.

@senatemajldr even said so four years ago. #saveSCOTUS

You can also look at the Indivisible #SaveScotus Website and send the tweet right from the website

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