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Welcome to the Roller Coaster!

Victoria Miller

Happy Tuesday, Activists!

We hope you're having a good week. First up, you can see all our upcoming actions in last Friday’s newsletter at this link. And you can go to our Eventbrite page at this link and see the new opportunities we’ve added since then.

Welcome to the week of the roller coaster ride in Congress! It seems the status of the two infrastructure packages are changing by the hour. As you know, it’s critically important that the House pass reconciliation alongside the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill (BIF) in order to ensure the House passes a bill that’s comprehensive enough to meet this moment. We’ve been supporting the Congressional Progressive Caucus's (CPC) demands for a big, inclusive recovery package that helps us recover from the pandemic and begin to reverse what conservatives have done since 1981 to tear down the New Deal social contract.

Yesterday, Reps. Jayapal, Omar, and Porter wrote an op-ed reaffirming their commitment to withholding their votes to deliver on both recovery and infrastructure – click here to read the op-ed. Conservative Democrats have been working hard to water down the package, and “corporate lobbyists, Big Pharma, and Wall Street executives have declared all-out war.” But progressives have remained strong, thanks to all of our calls and emails!

There’s simply no doubt what we want them to do and your calls help make that happen.

In short, our pressure is working. That’s why we’re going to keep making calls all week until both bills are passed in the House.


Rep. Evans – D.C. office 202-225-4001; Phila office 215-276-0340; email link

Rep. Boyle – D.C. office 202-225-6111; Phila office 215-335-3355; email link

Sen. Toomey – Phila office 215-241-1090; D.C. 202-224-4254; email link

Sen. Casey – Phila office 215-405-9660; D.C. 202-224-6324; email link

For outside PA: Find your Senators’ phone numbers and emails at this link.

Call now – tell your representative and our senators to vote on an inclusive recovery package!

Speaker Pelosi announced that she wants to pass both an inclusive recovery bill and the BIF this week. So this is a key moment for us to push to win the most progressive reconciliation bill possible. With just a few days left until the House vote, it is urgent that we call our Representative and tell them how important it is that we pass an inclusive recovery bill that works for everyone.

Then, call our senators and demand they pass the bill immediately after the House sends it over.

Call our senators and demand they move quickly on the Freedom to Vote Act.

Senate Democrats have released a new version of their democracy reform bill called the Freedom to Vote Act. The Freedom to Vote Act builds on the For the People Act and brings us closer to passing transformational democracy reform this Congress. Call our senators and let them know you want them to adjust the filibuster now to pass the Freedom to Vote Act.

Call our senators and tell them to protect Roe v. Wade now.

The House on Friday passed the Women's Health Protection Act, a bill aimed at preserving access to an abortion nationwide, as Republican-led state legislatures pass countless bills across the country threatening abortion rights. The bill now has to pass a vote in the Senate, which is why it is urgent that you call your senator and demand they protect reproductive rights.

--> Tell Senator Casey he must vote YES on this bill.


In last week’s super interesting meeting with Fair Districts PA we learned about the redistricting process now underway and how we can take action to have an impact on the outcome. You can see the meeting video at this link. You’ll hear exactly what is happening, when you can testify, and exactly the types of arguments that make sense for your testimony.

The redistricting hearings are happening now and the upcoming hearings are listed at this link. The specific information for the Philadelphia (in person) hearing on October 20 is at this link. The deadline to sign up to testify is October 13. You can find all the helpful tips for testifying at this link and more general tips at this link.

And last but not least, don't forget to make sure your voter registration is up to date. And make sure your family and friends are checking theirs too. You can check it at this link. Sign up online to vote by mail at this link. And find all your voting information at or at this link (it's a new web address, same information.)

See the deadlines below.

We'll have more election information for you next week!

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