Happy Friday Activists! Well, it's happened - the former president has been in indicted. A Manhattan Grand Jury of everyday Americans - across race, backgrounds, and party - has voted to indict the former MAGA President on bribery and corruption charges dating back to 2016. It feels like democracy was made a little stronger today with this action. Phew! And we'll keep doing what we do best to help make it stronger and stronger. Maybe with a spring in our step, at seeing the rule of law at work. So now, see below!
DONATE TO PLANNED PARENTHOOD - TROLL AN ANTI-ABORTION CONGRESSMAN Elders Indivisible hosted a great event this week for Planned Parenthood. They held it because Speaker Kevin McCarthy hosted a big dollar/big donor fundraiser for well-known anti-abortion Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick, (R. PA-01) in Bucks County. So the volunteers of Elders Indivisible are having a fundraiser of their own! The money they raise for Planned Parenthood will be donated in the name of Brian Fitzpatrick, who is ardently anti-abortion. You can get in the game and donate too! Just donate any amount with this link to the fundraiser on their Facebook page. You're doing a good thing and trolling this anti-abortion congressman at the same time.
ASK CONGRESSMAN EVANS TO SIGN CONGRESSMAN BOYLE'S LETTER Congressman Boyle's letter about avoiding default has been co-signed by numerous other members of congress. But Congressman Evans still has not signed it. We need to make sure this letter puts pressure on Speaker McCarthy and gets public attention. Ask Congressman Evans to sign on to the letter and commit to demanding a clean bill to raise the debt ceiling. No negotiating any cuts to Social Security or Medicare! And then call Congressman Boyle and thank him for writing the letter. Rep. Evans – D.C. office 202-225-4001; Phila. office (215) 276-0340; email link Rep. Boyle – D.C. office 202-225-6111; Phila office 215-335-3355; email link.
HELP GET OUT THE VOTE IN WISCONSIN! We're getting close to election day in Wisconsin. The state will be in the line of fire in next year’s elections and its Supreme Court will rule on abortion access rights, voter suppression laws, and upholding the electoral count. We can help flip the court to one that will more likely rule in favor of our personal freedoms and other rights. See more detail here. The election is on April 4th and we can help get Judge Janet Protasiewicz elected by making calls to Wisconsin voters. Sign up for a phone bank shift here.
REGISTER SOME NEW VOTERS! We have a good lineup of voter registration opportunities for you in April, right before the May primary. Check them out! Rittenhouse Square When: THIS SATURDAY! April 1, 10:00 to 2:00 (two shifts) Where: In front of the Ethical Society on the south side of the square. Sign up here. Philly AIDS Thrift When: THIS SATURDAY! April 1, 10:00 to 2:00 (two shifts) Where: 710 South 5th Street Sign up here. Clark Park -- 5 Saturdays! Where: Baltimore Avenue & South 43rd Street When: THIS SATURDAY! April 1, 10:00 to 12:00 Sign up here. When: April 8, 10:00 to 12:00 Sign up here. When: April 15, 10:00 to 12:00 Sign up here. When: April 22, 10:00 to 12:00 Sign up here. When: April 29, 10:00 to 12:00 Sign up here.
It's That Time Again! Sign Up To Vote By Mail For 2023 Remember that we need to sign up every year if we want to vote by mail. So now's the time. You can sign up online here.
35 Doors Project Talk to voters in your neighborhood to get out the vote. This is some of the most important work you can do - and it's fun! Check out our 35 Doors Project! Email us here for more info.